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Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016; Also published in Chinese, 2018).


“In this step-by-step guide, Dr. Golden offers an innovative combination of skills to transform the harsh inner environment that leads a person to unhealthy anger. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to drop the sword and make friends with themselves and others.”–Christopher Germer, PhD, Harvard Medical School, author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion.


“A lifeline for those who struggle with the devastating consequences of destructive anger, this wonderful book will help people cultivate a healthy relationship with anger by cultivating a healthy relationship with themselves. It is filled with wise and compassionate insight into how to understand and work with feelings of anger.”–Kristin Neff, University of Texas at Austin, author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself.


Healthy Anger: How to Help Children and Teens Make Sense of and Manage Anger in Everyday Life (Oxford University Press, 2002; Also published in Polish and Spanish)


“At first, Healthy Anger seems like an oxymoron. But Bernard Golden helps us understand how anger can be not only normal, but essential to healthy growth–if we know how to guide and control it. And Golden shows us in plain, easy steps how to help our children do just that.” –Myrna B. Shure, Ph.D. – author of Raising a Thinking Child


“Golden confirms what I have long suspected- the origins of ‘toxic’ anger reside in childhood. I found the discussion of “child logic” and shame especially helpful. I will be a better anger therapist for having read this book!” – W. Doyle Gentry,Ph.D. – author, Anger-Free: 10 Basic Steps to Managing Your Anger


Unlock Your Creative Genius (Prometheus Press, 2006)

Bernard Golden’s ‘Unlock Your Creative Genius” is a must read for all students of creativity, as well as for writers, artists, inventors; and all individuals who feel their creative powers percolating just out of reach. It will become required reading in my course.”–Dr. Shelley Carson, author of Your Creative Brain, Lecturer and Assistant Head Tutor in Psychology at Harvard University, teaches the course “Creativity: Madmen, Geniuses, and Harvard Students.


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